Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fixing my Metabolism

I have another week of fixing my metabolism. All is going well, now.
I was sick for a few days this week. I bought some imported organic raspberries that gave me a bit of food poisoning. I wasn't as sick as others have reported, sick enough to feel pretty lousy though. I did work through it.
All is well again.
I have been forgetting to weigh myself in the mornings and refuse to get on the scale after even a cup of tea. It has been over a week of forgetting, seems to become a habit I need to break. There is no way I can tell how I am doing without the scale since most of my days are spent in men's huge pj's. I feel good so I doubt I have had a gain.
I still find it hard to eat more than 1200 calories a day and am not sure I am since the slacker in me hasn't been using the CronOmeter every day like I should be.
We went out to dinner last night, Japanese, I had Chicken Yakatori and some steak thing. Didn't care much for the steak. I did enjoy the plum wine, very sweet stuff but tasty.
The rice was left in the cute little bowl.
I am so ready to get back to my CR and less calories. I just plain feel so much better and with more energy. Weird since food is supposed to give us energy. I also seem to be thinking of food more often now that I am trying to eat more. I also have given up the rice. The beans didn't cut it for me now the rice. Darn, and I have lots of both of them to get rid of.
The rice protein powder is finally gone. I feel no different without it. I did add a tablespoon of sesame seed to my seed mixture, I now have 2 tablespoons of flax seed, 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds and one tablespoon of sesame seeds. I grind them in the coffee mill and add them to an organic juice. Right now it is Acai juice. It actually tastes great, the protein powder blocked the flavor. Now I find it is sweet. The reason for all the seeds is to balance the Omegas. This way I get both 3 and 6, although I do still get much more Omega 3.
Kitty Update
The kitties are doing better, Willy is finally neutered and wearing a cone.
Bob is off antibiotics, I am trying to repair his immune system. He will be taking probiotics as soon as they get here. I am also giving them a B complex to help them through all the stress. Bob has been to the vet twice a week and he is not enjoying it. He was very upset yesterday. Normally he is a very laid back calm guy, not at the Vets. She wanted to put him on a different antibiotic but I just had to say no. I will get him healthy with food and antioxidants.
Willy was a very wild guy when he came to live with us 3 weeks ago. He now is very calm, lets us pick him up and he even sleeps on top of me. Bad habit, but from wild to this is amazing. He is a real looker. 
We take his cone off so he can bathe, if we don't he gets frustrated and grinds his teeth. So far he hasn't gone for his stitches on his tummy. Why stitches, the vet had to go into the stomach to find a lost testicle, poor Willy. I love this picture of my cone heads.


SheZug said...

I love the look on their faces, it's just priceless. oh goodness, I got a good chuckle. My kitty gave me the same annoyed look when I took her out in the snow last night.

*Sie* said...

"I have been forgetting to weigh myself in the mornings and refuse to get on the scale after even a cup of tea. It has been over a week of forgetting, seems to become a habit I need to break. There is no way I can tell how I am doing without the scale since most of my days are spent in men's huge pj's."

Those exact words could have easily come from my mouth. Ha. I always try to weigh when I first get up, and don't like to after anything crosses my lips. I have been forgetting lately, though. Eh, I through phases like that. When I am at home, I am never out of my pajamas. Before I knew how to watch my cals, years ago, I did the baggy clothes thing everywhere - I ended up gaining 10-15 without realizing. I'd notice now, but I wasn't as body conscious back then. Ha.

On a related note, I think my metabolism is pretty stagnate right now. I lost some weight initially, but I should be loosing more for what I am eating - but I am not. Makes me think I am doing something wrong, but I am now closer to being 30 years old than 25. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Maybe I should intentionally raise my cals for a bit...oh, I dunno....