Thursday, February 12, 2009

Calorie Restriction and looking fit

I was leaving the gym Wednesday when a lady stopped me to say "Your sure look fit". Well, I was very shocked, me fit, I know I feel fit but look fit. I have been in the gym 7 times. It sure isn't the gym that made me look fit. It has to be food choices and counting calories, it can not be anything but. Whatever, it sure made my day. From fatty to fit without exercising. Yea!
I am now exercising to tone and for strength, still not to lose weight.
Tomorrow I get weighed and measured at the gym. Lets see if they do a better job of it this time. The young pretty helper there measured my waist and tummy at 32. Way off. Tummy to small waist to big. She did manage to get the rest of me right. (my waist is actually almost 27, tummy more like 35). I have a very, very flat ugly ass and that is why I have 38 hips.

I bought some plain full milk yogurt this week. Thinking is might be a nice change from cottage cheese, wrong, boy was I wrong. In comparing the two I found that cottage cheese has more protein, a lot more, and less sugar. Plus it just tastes better. I can make it savory or sweet.
If I want something sweet I add some Stevia, pineapple, and a bit of vanilla. Wow, what a treat.
This is 1000 times better than yogurt.
For the yogurt I get only 1/4 cup, cottage cheese 1/2 cup. So, no more yogurt. I sure wish more people would realize what they are getting in yogurt with fruit already in it. What a waste of calories and way to much sugar. Good advertisement is all I can think of why it is so popular, sure can't be because it is good for us. I don't use other milk products either. Me and impulse buying. I have to stop doing that. I bought that darn yogurt because I was seeing so many people saying how much they love it and how it fills them for breakfast. I sure can't see it as a good breakfast, to darn much sugar in it.

I had a fabulous protein day and the lowest in carbs in a long time. Giving up my blackberries or giving up 4 cups of them, has really helped me. I have lost a pound already and hope to be out of the 140's tomorrow. I was 140 even this morning. 139 sounds so much better.

My calorie restriction is still going strong, I couldn't be happier with it and the life it has given me.

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