- 2 tbs. flax seeds
- 2 tbs. pumpkin seeds
- 2 tbs. sunflower seeds
- 1/2 cup organic unpasteurized orange juice
- 1/2 cup Organic 2% Cottage Cheese
- Or
- left over protein chicken, beef or fish 3-4 oz.
- 4-6 oz lean Organic protein, chicken, beef, or fish.
- Raw spinach with olive oil and red wine vinegar.
- Roasted or steamed veggies with Olive Oil and sea salt.
- 1-2 cups frozen Organic Blueberries
- 1/2 cups frozen raspberries
- Stevia to sweeten
- Flavored green teas all day long
- I take supplements to fill out my daily needs.
- I track my nutrients with the cronOmeter
- I weigh myself everyday.
- I journal everyday.
- Horseradish
- Organic ketchup
- Olive Oil
- Lemon
- Butter, very little.
- Lots of spices
- Stevia
If I am wanting something to eat after 7 I will make it raw celery with a bit of sea salt. yea, I know salt is bad, so is plain celery to me.
This weekly food plan intentionally low in carbs from fruit. If you can handle the extra carbs and calories eat an apple Organic of course. You could also add a few eggs a week.
I take several for various reasons, below are what I think are important.- Vitamin D 3 5000 IU
- Probioatic
- Vitamin C
- Calcium
My new supplement is Glucomannan, it is a fiber that completely fills me for most of the day. Since it is a fiber you know what else it does. I highly recommend it if you want to feel satisfied for several hours a day or night. I haven't tried it at night yet. If you want to buy it online PM me. I will send a link.
I always forget about seeds. I like to sprinkle a bit on my salads. I like how steamlined your menu is.
I gave you a blog award today, stop by and check it out. :)
Thanks for being an inspiration!
Hey a blog award, cool.
You are such an inspiration. Thanks again for the link. I added a link to your blog in my post today. I'm following you now too, or stalking, which sounds cooler, lol. ((Hugs))
I wish however they had done it more that you had the ability to combine both the old and the new together to give a wider array of choices and workouts.
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I believe is about eliminating processed foods, processed foods are so unhealthy. They are full of chemicals with very little nutrition. I eliminated processed foods and I have so much energy. If you looking to get healthy and lose weight. It is also about reducing calories so you can lose weight the safe and healthy way. If you are looking to lose weight start by finding out your BMR this will give you your daily calorie intake to start to lose weight the healthy way. Here is a calorie calculator to help you get started it definitely help me lose 42 pounds. Thanks
;daily calorie calculator
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